Нова љубов на повидок за Емина Јаховиќ (фото)

Емина Јаховиќ од неодамна на Инстаграм објави дека се разведува од сопругот Мустафа Сандал, по 10 години брак.

My dear lovelies, You have given me love and support throughout my career and in return, I feel the need to always be honest and share with you both nice and those less nice moments in life that we all unfortunately sometimes go through. That is why I wish to tell you that after 14 years of living together and 10 years of marriage, Mustafa and I decided to go our separate ways. This was not an easy process for either us – we had taken our time and had extensive and honest conversations but still came to a conclusion that our love, regardless of how big and strong it used to be, ended. Even though our lives will continue separately, I will always be Mustafa’s friend and support and I am confident he will do the same. We are parents first and foremost to two incredible boys, Yaman and Yavuz and we remain united on this path and we shall not allow for anything to divert us from it. This is the first and the only time I will ever talk about this and I did not want you to read hear-say stories in the media, but for you to hear it directly from me. ???????? #eminasandal #mustafasandal With love, Emina

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Пејачката моментално престојува во Србија кај нејзините родители, а последната нејзина објава ги изненади сите.

Емина објави фотографија од своето кафе, каде јасно се гледа срце. Пејачката под објавата напиша: „Дали ова е возможно!?“.

На нејзиното прашање одговорија фановите кои сугерираа дека нова љубов е на повидок.

Is this real?????????????❤️

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